Table of Contents

Titanic is a entry level competition that Kaggle, a data science competition platform, has created to challenge novice data scientists so that they can have chance to earn some practical experiences before getting into advanced level competitions. I also spent hours on this challenge, and can’t wait any longer to share my experience.

1. Data munging

First thing first. We will spend sometimes on discovering the data. Data munging (also known as data wrangling) involves getting our hands dirty on the data to explore different aspects of the data, for example structure, statistics. I believe that there exists no standard guideline for data munging, except that we are encouraged to properly use all possible methods.

1.1 Data loading

We load the dataset first. In this case, I do not process the draw data but just a copy of it.

library(VIM) #aggr
library(ggplot2) #ggplot
train_raw <- read.csv("data/train.csv", na.strings = c("NA", ""))

# Back up
train <- train_raw

Next, we discover the structure and data types of the data.

str(train, strict.width = "wrap")
## 'data.frame':	891 obs. of  12 variables:
## $ PassengerId: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Survived : int 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
## $ Pclass : int 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 ...
## $ Name : Factor w/ 891 levels "Abbing, Mr. Anthony",..: 109 191 358 277 16
##    559 520 629 417 581 ...
## $ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male": 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 ...
## $ Age : num 22 38 26 35 35 NA 54 2 27 14 ...
## $ SibSp : int 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 ...
## $ Parch : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 ...
## $ Ticket : Factor w/ 681 levels "110152","110413",..: 524 597 670 50 473
##    276 86 396 345 133 ...
## $ Fare : num 7.25 71.28 7.92 53.1 8.05 ...
## $ Cabin : Factor w/ 147 levels "A10","A14","A16",..: NA 82 NA 56 NA NA 130
##    NA NA NA ...
## $ Embarked : Factor w/ 3 levels "C","Q","S": 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 ...

Currently, Name, Ticket, Cabin are factors. We’ll convert them to characters.

## Convert Name, Ticket, Cabin to character
indx <- c("Name", "Ticket", "Cabin")
train[indx] <- lapply(train[indx], as.character)

str(train, strict.width = "wrap")
## 'data.frame':	891 obs. of  12 variables:
## $ PassengerId: int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Survived : int 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 ...
## $ Pclass : int 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 ...
## $ Name : chr "Braund, Mr. Owen Harris" "Cumings, Mrs. John Bradley
##    (Florence Briggs Thayer)" "Heikkinen, Miss. Laina" "Futrelle, Mrs.
##    Jacques Heath (Lily May Peel)" ...
## $ Sex : Factor w/ 2 levels "female","male": 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 ...
## $ Age : num 22 38 26 35 35 NA 54 2 27 14 ...
## $ SibSp : int 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 1 ...
## $ Parch : int 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 ...
## $ Ticket : chr "A/5 21171" "PC 17599" "STON/O2. 3101282" "113803" ...
## $ Fare : num 7.25 71.28 7.92 53.1 8.05 ...
## $ Cabin : chr NA "C85" NA "C123" ...
## $ Embarked : Factor w/ 3 levels "C","Q","S": 3 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 1 ...
1.2 Missing data

We’ll visualise the missing data pattern of our data by using the function aggr of the package VIM.

# Missing data
missing_plot <- aggr(train, col=c('navyblue','red'), numbers=TRUE, 
                  sortVars=TRUE, labels=names(train), cex.axis=.7, gap=3, 
                  ylab=c("Histogram of missing data","Pattern"))


##  Variables sorted by number of missings: 
##     Variable       Count
##        Cabin 0.771043771
##          Age 0.198653199
##     Embarked 0.002244669
##  PassengerId 0.000000000
##     Survived 0.000000000
##       Pclass 0.000000000
##         Name 0.000000000
##          Sex 0.000000000
##        SibSp 0.000000000
##        Parch 0.000000000
##       Ticket 0.000000000
##         Fare 0.000000000

Our visualisation tells us that there are 77% of missing data in Cabin, 20% in Age and exactly 0.2% in Embarked (which is exactly 2 missing records).

1.3. Data facets
# Find the relation between Survived, Pclass, Age, and Fare
ggplot(train, aes(x=Fare, y=Age)) + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(Survived ~ Pclass)
## Warning: Removed 177 rows containing missing values (geom_point).


# Find the relation between Survived, Embarked, Age, and Fare
ggplot(train, aes(x=Fare, y=Age)) + 
  geom_point() +
  facet_grid(Survived ~ Embarked)
## Warning: Removed 177 rows containing missing values (geom_point).


## Find the relation between Survived, Sibsp
ggplot(data = train, mapping = aes(x = SibSp)) +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


## Find the relation between Survived, Parch
ggplot(data = train, mapping = aes(x = Parch)) +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.


## Find the relation between Survived, Embarked
ct_table <-$Embarked, train$Survived))
names(ct_table) <- c("Embarked", "Survived", "Quantity")
ggplot(data = ct_table, 
       mapping = aes(x = Survived, y = Quantity, fill = Embarked)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")


## Find the relation between Survived, Pclass
ct_table <-$Pclass, train$Survived))
names(ct_table) <- c("Pclass", "Survived","Quantity")
ggplot(data = ct_table,
       mapping = aes(x = Survived, y = Quantity, fill = Pclass)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity")


## Find the relation between Survived, Sex
ct_table <-$Sex, train$Survived))
names(ct_table) <- c("Sex", "Survived", "Quantity")
ggplot(data = ct_table, 
       mapping = aes(x = Survived, y = Quantity, fill = Sex)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  ggtitle("Distribution of Survived by Sex") +
  xlab("Survived") +
  ylab("# of Passengers")


2. Modeling

library(mice) #missing
2.1. Feature Engineer

Next, we will extract first name, last name and title of passengers from Name, making 3 new columns in the dataset, which are FName, Title, LName.

name <- strsplit(train$Name, split='[,.]')

# First name
train$FName <- sapply(c(1:length(name)), function(x, name) 
  return (trimws(name[[x]][1], which = "both")), name = name)

# Title
train$Title <- sapply(c(1:length(name)), function(x, name) 
  return (trimws(name[[x]][2], which = "both")), name = name)

# Last name
lname <- sapply(c(1:length(name)), function(x, name) 
  return (trimws(name[[x]][3], which = "both")), name = name)

lname_splt <- strsplit(lname, split ='[()]')

train$LName <- sapply(c(1:length(lname_splt)), function(x, lname_splt) 
  return (trimws(lname_splt[[x]][1], which = "both")), lname_splt = lname_splt)

# Some don't have lastname, need to impute
lname_imp <- sapply(c(1:length(lname_splt)), function(x, lname_splt) 
  return (trimws(lname_splt[[x]][2], which = "both")), lname_splt = lname_splt)
lname_missing_idx <- which(train$LName == "")
train$LName[lname_missing_idx] <- lname_imp[lname_missing_idx]

train$LName <- as.factor(train$LName)
##                William                   John                  James 
##                     11                     10                      9 
##                   Mary                 Joseph                 Samuel 
##                      7                      5                      5 
##                 Thomas                 Bertha                 Edward 
##                      5                      4                      4 
##                 George                   Ivan                 Martin 
##                      4                      4                      4 
##          William Henry           William John                 Alfred 
##                      4                      4                      3 
##                  Alice                   Anna             Anna Sofia 
##                      3                      3                      3 
##               Benjamin              Elizabeth                   Emil 
##                      3                      3                      3 
##              Frederick                  Harry                  Johan 
##                      3                      3                      3 
##                Patrick                Tannous                 Victor 
##                      3                      3                      3 
##                 Albert          Albert Adrian              Alexander 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##        Alexander Oskar           Anders Johan                 Antoni 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                 Arthur      Charles Alexander              Charles H 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##          Charles Henry                  David            Dickinson H 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##           Edgar Joseph            Edwy Arthur         Ellen "Nellie" 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##           Elmer Zebley       Ernest Courtenay          Ernst Gilbert 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##             Frank John      Frederick Charles     Frederick Maxfield 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##      Frederick William           George Henry                Gerious 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                  Hanna          Hanora "Nora"                 Harvey 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                  Henry        Henry Birkhardt          Henry Sleeper 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##          Henry William          Jacques Heath           Jakob Alfred 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##          Jean Baptiste           John Borland             John Henry 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                  Josef                   Juha                   Juho 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##            Karl Alfred                   Kate      Katherine "Katie" 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                  Lalio               Lawrence                    Lee 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                   Luka                 Marija                Maurice 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                Michael               Nicholas        Norman Campbell 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##          Pekka Pietari               Percival            Peter Henry 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                Richard        Richard Leonard               Samuel L 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##          Sidney Samuel                  Sinai           Thomas Henry 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##              Thomas Jr Thomas William Solomon       Victor de Satode 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##                Wilhelm         William Arthur          William Baird 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##         William Ernest          William James    William John Robert 
##                      2                      2                      2 
##         William Thomas       William Thompson                Abraham 
##                      2                      2                      1 
##                (Other) 
##                    629

Looks like we get something here. There are a lot of people having the same last name. It hints us that they are likely families.

train$Family <- train$SibSp + train$Parch + 1

In fact, there are many families traveled, and we can easily identify the size of the family by combining both SibSp and Parch. Doing that, if a passenger has 0s on SibSp and Parch, we would have a family size of 0. That doesn’t make sense. Thus, we have to +1.

Next, we have to find a way to increase the correctness of Family. We can see that

  • A lot of people have the same Ticket.
  • A lot of people have the same LName.

Thus, we will create a new column, FamilyID, and identify families in the dataset based on two assumptions. First, people who have the same Ticket should be a family, or a group of passengers. Second, people who have the same LName could belong to a family, but only if they have the same Pclass and Embarked. It does not make sense if people in the same family stay in different classess, and/or embark from different places.

train$FamilyId <- NA
# Grouping by similar tickets
# There are a lot of similar tickets, So if passengers have the same ticket,
# they should be a family or a least travel together
train$Ticket <- as.factor(train$Ticket)

# Find tickets ID that used by > 1 passengers
ticket <- data.frame(table(train$Ticket))
similar_ticket <- ticket[ticket$Freq > 1, 1]

# Assign all ticket to FamilyID as suitable familyID 
# then remove ones that not in similar ticket
train$FamilyId <- train$Ticket

# Find positions that do not be removed
ticket_idx <- sapply(similar_ticket, function(x) (return (which(train$FamilyId == x))))
ticket_idx <- unlist(ticket_idx)

# Set NA to position not in idx
train$FamilyId[-ticket_idx] <- NA
# Grouping by similar last name, pclass, embarked
# Assign the same familyID to people who have the same lname by using 
# the pattern lname_embark_pclass
lname <- data.frame(table(train$LName))
similar_lname <- lname[lname$Freq > 1, 1]

lname_idx <- sapply(similar_lname, function(x) (return (which(train$LName == x))))
lname_idx <- unlist(lname_idx)
diff <- setdiff(lname_idx, ticket_idx)

train$FamilyId <- as.character(train$FamilyId)
train$FamilyId[diff] <- sapply(train$LName[diff], function (x) return 
                               (gsub("[[:space:]]", "", x)))

# Update Family(size) by FamilyID
# People who have family ID but FamilySize = 1
idx <- intersect(which(!$FamilyId)), which(train$Family == 1))
freq <- data.frame(table(train$FamilyId[idx]))
names(freq) <- c("FamilyId", "Freq")
freq$FamilyId <- as.character(freq$FamilyId)
train$FamilyId[which($FamilyId))] <- ""

for (i in 1:nrow(freq)) {
  train$Family[which(train$FamilyId == freq$FamilyId[i])] <- freq$Fre[i]

After enhancing Family, we will have a look at our new feature Title. We can see that there are a variety of factors in Title. We reduce the number of factors by grouping them.

train$Title <- as.factor(train$Title)
##         Capt          Col          Don           Dr     Jonkheer 
##            1            2            1            7            1 
##         Lady        Major       Master         Miss         Mlle 
##            1            2           40          182            2 
##          Mme           Mr          Mrs           Ms          Rev 
##            1          517          125            1            6 
##          Sir the Countess 
##            1            1
train$Title <- as.character(train$Title)
# Too many factors in Title, we need to merge them
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Capt")] <- "Mr"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Col")] <- "Mr"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Major")] <- "Mr"

train$Title[which(train$Title == "Don")] <- "Mr"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Dr")] <- "Mr"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Jonkheer")] <- "Mr"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Rev")] <- "Mr"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Sir")] <- "Mr"

train$Title[which(train$Title == "Mme")] <- "Mr"

train$Title[which(train$Title == "Lady")] <- "Mrs"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "the Countess")] <- "Mrs"

train$Title[which(train$Title == "Ms")] <- "Miss"
train$Title[which(train$Title == "Mlle")] <- "Miss"

train$Title <- as.factor(train$Title) 
## Master   Miss     Mr    Mrs 
##     40    185    539    127
2.2. Missing data imputation
# Fare == 0 doesnt make sense, thus should be missing values
train$Fare[which(train$Fare == 0)] <- NA
# More than 70% of Cabin is missing, thus we have to remove
train$Cabin <- NULL
# Impute Embarked
train$Embarked[which($Embarked))] <- "S"

We use multiple imputation by chained equation to impute missing values in Fare and Age. We will use Sex, Title, Fare, Pclass as predictors to impute. More importantly, because it does not make sense if imputed values of Fare and Age are negative, we have to squeeze values into two corresponding ranges, (1, 80) for Age and (1, 500) for Fare.

# 19% of Age is missing. We'll find a way to impute the data
temp_train <- train[, c("Sex", "Age", "Title", "Fare", "Pclass")]
# Impute age
post <- mice(temp_train[, ], maxit = 0)$post
post["Age"] <- "imp[[j]][,i] <- squeeze(imp[[j]][,i], c(1,80))"
post["Fare"] <- "imp[[j]][,i] <- squeeze(imp[[j]][,i], c(1,500))"
restricted <- mice(temp_train, m = 5, post = post, seed = 567, method = 'norm')
##  iter imp variable
##   1   1  Age  Fare
##   1   2  Age  Fare
##   1   3  Age  Fare
##   1   4  Age  Fare
##   1   5  Age  Fare
##   2   1  Age  Fare
##   2   2  Age  Fare
##   2   3  Age  Fare
##   2   4  Age  Fare
##   2   5  Age  Fare
##   3   1  Age  Fare
##   3   2  Age  Fare
##   3   3  Age  Fare
##   3   4  Age  Fare
##   3   5  Age  Fare
##   4   1  Age  Fare
##   4   2  Age  Fare
##   4   3  Age  Fare
##   4   4  Age  Fare
##   4   5  Age  Fare
##   5   1  Age  Fare
##   5   2  Age  Fare
##   5   3  Age  Fare
##   5   4  Age  Fare
##   5   5  Age  Fare
train_temp <- complete(restricted, 1)
train$Age <- train_temp$Age
train$Fare <- train_temp$Fare

The next move is to ensure there is no missing values in the data.

# Assure that no more missing
missing_plot <- aggr(train, col=c('navyblue','red'), numbers=TRUE, 
                     sortVars=TRUE, labels=names(train), cex.axis=.7, gap=3, 
                     ylab=c("Histogram of missing data","Pattern"))


##  Variables sorted by number of missings: 
##     Variable Count
##  PassengerId     0
##     Survived     0
##       Pclass     0
##         Name     0
##          Sex     0
##          Age     0
##        SibSp     0
##        Parch     0
##       Ticket     0
##         Fare     0
##     Embarked     0
##        FName     0
##        Title     0
##        LName     0
##       Family     0
##     FamilyId     0
2.3. Categorizing data
# Pclass 
for(level in unique(train$Pclass)){
  train[paste("Pclass", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Pclass == level, 1, 0)

# Embarked
for(level in unique(train$Embarked)){
  train[paste("Embarked", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Embarked == level, 1, 0)

# Sibsp
train$SibSp <- as.factor(findInterval(train$SibSp, c(1, 2)))

for(level in unique(train$SibSp)){
  train[paste("SibSp", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$SibSp == level, 1, 0)

# Parch
train$Parch <- as.factor(findInterval(train$Parch, c(1, 3)))

for(level in unique(train$Parch)){
  train[paste("Parch", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Parch == level, 1, 0)

# Sex
for(level in unique(train$Sex)){
  train[paste("Sex", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Sex == level, 1, 0)

# Fare
train$Fare_factor <- as.factor(findInterval(train$Fare, c(32)))

for(level in unique(train$Fare_factor)){
  train[paste("Fare_factor", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Fare_factor == level, 1, 0)

# Age
train$Age_factor <- as.factor(findInterval(train$Age, c(21.1, 37, 60)))

for(level in unique(train$Age_factor)){
  train[paste("Age_factor", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Age_factor == level, 1, 0)

# FamilySize
train$FamilySize <- as.factor(findInterval(train$Family, c(2, 5)))
for(level in unique(train$Age_factor)){
  train[paste("FamilySize", level, sep = "_")] <- ifelse(train$Age_factor == level, 1, 0)
2.4. Model construction

# Split data
inTraining <- createDataPartition(train$Survived, p = .5, list = FALSE)
training <- train[inTraining,]
testing  <- train[-inTraining,]

# Train control
fitControl <- trainControl(## 10-fold CV
  method = "repeatedcv",
  number = 10,
  repeats = 10,
  allowParallel = TRUE)

# Model tuning
grid <-  expand.grid(mtry = seq(1, 7, 1))

# Model
model <- train(as.factor(Survived) ~ Sex_male + 
                 Pclass_3 + Pclass_1 + Embarked +
                 Age + 
                 Fare + FamilySize,
               data = training, 
               method = "parRF",
               trControl = fitControl,
               verbose = TRUE, 
               tuneGrid = grid,
               preProc = c("center", "scale"),
               metric = "Kappa")
## Loading required package: e1071
## Loading required package: randomForest
## randomForest 4.6-12
## Type rfNews() to see new features/changes/bug fixes.
## Attaching package: 'randomForest'
## The following object is masked from 'package:ggplot2':
##     margin
## Loading required package: foreach
## Warning: executing %dopar% sequentially: no parallel backend registered
## Parallel Random Forest 
## 446 samples
##   7 predictor
##   2 classes: '0', '1' 
## Pre-processing: centered (9), scaled (9) 
## Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold, repeated 10 times) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 402, 402, 401, 401, 401, 401, ... 
## Resampling results across tuning parameters:
##   mtry  Accuracy   Kappa    
##   1     0.7898411  0.5352829
##   2     0.8122511  0.5898479
##   3     0.8086648  0.5865441
##   4     0.8106499  0.5935032
##   5     0.8073165  0.5889437
##   6     0.8058973  0.5865967
##   7     0.7993973  0.5751578
## Kappa was used to select the optimal model using  the largest value.
## The final value used for the model was mtry = 4.
# Plot model performance


# Check feature importances
## parRF variable importance
##             Overall
## Sex_male    100.000
## Age          83.674
## Fare         73.573
## Pclass_3     25.171
## FamilySize2   9.530
## FamilySize1   8.053
## Pclass_1      7.275
## EmbarkedS     6.543
## EmbarkedQ     0.000
# Testing
pred <- predict(model, newdata = testing)
error <- mean(pred != testing$Survived)
print(paste("Accuracy ", 1 - error))
## [1] "Accuracy  0.835955056179775"

3. Testing

We will re-apply all our necessary step above to the test data given by Kaggle. This model is able to achieve 0.8038. The full source code can be found in Github.